Deep Change - Transforming Mindset & Managing Change

  • Course Duration3 days
  • Start Date17 Oct 2024
  • Delivery MethodFace-to-face


This is a wake-up call workshop. The objective of DeepChange™ is to initiate an upgrade of our internal operating system i.e. our window to the outside world. The hypothesis on which we attempt this is that human beings, not external conditions, determine personal and social development. External conditions certainly can and do influence the process in a substantive way. People may even act and react in predictable ways to a given set of external conditions. But the results of any development equation cannot be reliably predicted on the basis of external factors alone. Human development is determined by human responses based on choices made by people. As such, the main focus of DeepChange™ to bring about change through choice and not by mere hoping on chance or reacting without forethought. And the choices we make are based on a deep understanding of our psychological inputs that created our behaviour patterns and basic competencies.

Who Should Attend?

This workshop is intended for the top management team in the organisation.

They will find this workshop to be beneficial and invaluable in enhancing people processes in their respective department and the organisation as a whole. This workshop will be an eye-opener in understanding the complexity of human behaviour processes and the social operating systems in organizations. It will create the impetus for top management to change at their individual levels before they can change the rest of the organisation. It will help leaders understand the intricacies of creating an engaged workforce.

Course Outcome

The DeepChange™ programme offers benefits to both the personal and the organisation.

For the personal:

  • It offers retrospection and introspection of participant's Self and their multiple Roles. It will be a self-disclosure and self-exploration mechanism using several tools
  • The participants will gain the role clarity to ascertain the significance of their thought processes and how it impacts their professional environment and personal life
  • The participants will acquire the ability to understand the nature of psychological blocks and create new awareness and acceptance of what can be managed
  • Improve relationships across the board
  • Improve personal & professional performance and positively affect people around you through deep change of self
  • ...And experience the POWER within you to make CHANGES as a matter of CHOICE.

And the organisation benefits from the following:

  • Initiate and develop a pool of potential mentors and coaches
  • Create a pool of change agents
  • Develop Emphatic and Moral Leaders
  • Reinvent and/or enhance people process
  • Improve communication across the organisation
  • Invoke collaborative intelligence by harnessing diversity
  • Understand managing personal/work boundaries
  • Enhance Employee Engagement

Course Outline

1. The River Metaphor
Nature is our biggest teacher and we are one with it. A simple metaphor can change our perspective forever.

2. The Science & Art of Letting Go
Hanging on emotional baggage is a form attachment and it damages to our wellbeing much more than we actually realise. Learn the science and art of letting go and get liberated.

3. The Debate
A fun activity where teams debate on a fundamental issue that affects the way our life is influenced. Not only is it intense, it also leads participants into a deeper reflection.

4. Group Experiences
There will be several group activities to help people bond, and share perspectives and personal experiences that add to the overall workshop takeaway.

5. Values & beliefs
One of the more important aspects of the workshop is delivered in a simple and easy-to-understand approach, so making changes doesn't get too complex.

6. Managing boundaries
Our boundaries are a big part of our internal and external representation. How well we manage this gets reflected by the way others treat us. Who has the control and the power?

7. The Upgrade process
This is the master key to our entire life. The objective is to help participants get access to this key.

8. Bonsification of the mind
That which we cannot see, hidden underneath as roots, pretty much determines all that which we see above. To grow strong, we must dive deep and break our bonsification.

9. Script Analysis
Understand scripts and you'll identify the root causes of all conflicts. This is a powerful way to observe and be mindful of conflict resolutions.

10. Managing Blocks
We are our best friend as well as our worst enemy. Our destiny is pretty much dependent on our capacity to overcome our awn barriers. Managing blocks is part of self-correction.

11. Leadership growth card
Growth mind-set as opposed to a fixed mind-set is critical for leaders to understand and practice in order to manage conversations with followers/staff. What it takes to grow leadership attributes depends on the ability to be agile.

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