ESG Consultancy

What is ESG?

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) represents a more stakeholder-centrist approach to doing business.

Companies that adhere to ESG standards agree to conduct themselves ethically in those three areas, and draw on a range of ESG strategies, tactics and ESG solutions to do so.

Integrating ESG in Malaysia's SME has been largely positive and well received. There remains, however, a lack of understanding of the true value of ESG. These businesses associate ESG with climate change and reporting obligations, failing to grasp the business opportunities that await them like new markets that they can sell to, cost reductions, and integrated risk management.

SMEs' involvement to ensure the realization of a sustainable future in Malaysia is crucial as their contribution to the Malaysian economy is immense.

In recognizing the importance of SMEs in achieving a sustainable future, People Prowess has taken steps beyond training by preparing SME's for ESG Certification through our sustainability certification process in collaboration with two of the industry's best sustainability experts – The Turnkey Group.

People Prowess and Turnkey have come together to combine their vital roles to make Sustainable Future a reality.


People Prowess is a human development training provider. It has played a leading role in creating a sustainable future through its upskilling and reskilling programmes by developing the skills, talent, leaders, and company culture, which bear the hallmarks of ESG in business.

The Consulting team at People Prowess will explain the benefits of integrating ESG factors into investment decision-making.

We will help you focus on the triple bottom line - the three 'P's: 'People, Planet and Profits' (PPP). Businesses should focus on each of the three 'P's and not just on 'Profits', since they are equally important for any commercial enterprise to be sustainable. This concept underpins the focus of ESG.


In embracing ESG, our consultants will show you how ESG can help you attract talent, target future consumers, facilitate brand-enhancement and innovation. They will help you navigate through the ESG journey to add to your top-line growth, reduce cost, attract talent and boost employee productivity.


Turnkey Group's ESG Sustain-Tech Platform automates the entire ESG certification process such as data assessment, data extraction and independent validation process, to ensure that the data will be acceptable to our global certification partner.


Certification Process


More on Our Partners

The Turnkey Group

Leading software provider in Sustainability with a particular emphasis and deep experience in ESG and risk management. UN PRI-listed and award-winning sustainability technology platform for private equity and infrastructure funds and their portfolio companies.

Has a diverse team of experienced professionals dedicated to linking environmental and social impacts to business performance for clients in over 7,000 locations across 46 countries.

Turnkey Group's ESG Sustain-Tech Platform automates the entire process such as data assessment, data extraction and independent validation process, to ensure that the data will be acceptable to our global certification partner.